Keeping your feet healthy while you run! Tips to prevent injury!

Keeping your feet healthy while you run! Tips to prevent injury!

If you’re a regular runner or are just starting out, let us first say congrats! Running has so many great benefits for your health and body both physically and mentally. We have great appreciation for anyone that makes time for it in our often far-too-busy lives. The downside is that because it is an intense workout that does involve the whole body, the risk of injury is significant. The are easy and simple things you can start doing today to help prevent injury. Here are our first five!


Footwear first – get your foundation right

You’ll likely already know you need to have good joggers if you’re a runner. We feel like we say it so often sometimes that it becomes more like a cliche. But did you know that ill-fitting footwear is often the source of many foot problems caused by running? And that by having the wrong or unsupportive shoe you have a much higher risk of overloading and damaging muscles and developing sore and tired feet? And that you’re placing more stress through your feet than you otherwise would be? Well you do now!

The right footwear really is an essential when it comes to running. Your shoes will alter how the foot and ankle sits and hence the alignment of the legs, knees, hip and back too. If shoes are worn down on one side, that’s the position the feet will be held in – and the rest of the body will follow. Make sure you’re getting the right, supportive footwear and if you’re unsure, we’ll be happy to help and give you a recommendation!


Don’t forget the socks

Your socks can be the difference between finishing that 10km run and having to stop 2km’s in – seriously! If the sock is too low or has a tendency to slip down, you risk rubbing and developing blisters at the back of your heel – the same goes if they’ve thinned out in front. If the sock is too thick or hot, you may not feel comfortable continuing to run and your shoes may feel less comfortable. Something that pulls moisture away from the skin, like a poly-cotton blend, fits well, doesn’t result in any blistering or irritation and feels comfortable is a winner. And you’ll be a winner in them!


Don’t ignore the pain

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t quite right – you’ll never get pain for no reason. Listen to your body and try to find out what’s going on. In our experience, a lot of common injuries occur when runners decide to ‘push through’ the pain in the hopes that it’s nothing and that it’ll just go away. They then sustain an avoidable injury and spend weeks recovering and taking it easy, if not longer. If you’re worried – come in and get it checked.


Don’t rush into long distances

While it may seem like an accomplishment to complete a long run soon after you’ve started running (and don’t get us wrong, it definitely an achievement!) you may be compromising your future runs due to the impact on your feet and legs. Muscles that aren’t used to regular or long-distance running are far more likely to get overloaded to the point of injury, as opposed to having gradually increased your distance over time. This may see you barely being able to run until you recover for weeks to come. Having to wait to recover means you’ll be worse off than if you had taken it easy. Don’t rush – the real competition is against yourself not to get injured!


Work those muscles

Stretching and strengthening muscles of the feet, leg and core can make a massive difference on your running. The stronger your muscles, the more you’ll be able to handle and the longer you’ll be able to keep going. The more you stretch and the more flexible you are, the more your feet and legs can work together optimally and better your energy output from not having to compensate for tight muscles. Warm your muscles up before you start running, and cool them down and get a proper rest after you finish. Stretch them out to help prevent muscle soreness the next day. Look after your muscles and they’ll look after you!

And finally, if you’re concerned about anything, are experiencing any pain or issues, or want to lay the groundwork and make sure everything is bio-mechanically correct before you start – see your Podiatrist!

Podiatrists are the foot health experts and work hard to keep runners on their feet and free of injury. Our expert team at Sole Motion Podiatry are dedicated to providing excellence in Podiatric care – and sports medicine and rehabilitation is one of our specialties! Give our expert team a call on 1300-FX-FEET and keep running at your best!

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