You know the feeling. We have it all the time ourselves. You notice that new red swollen spot, or something on the skin that you’ve not seen before, or realise that twinge has been there for a while now without seeming to get better. You wonder is it normal? Will it go away? Should I have it checked?
As the discomfort or the worry from the problem hasn’t quite reached that *threshold* that you need to get proactive and make an appointment, you leave it. For some people, the problem may go away on its own. For others, it may continue to get worse until finally, it starts impacting your quality of life and you need to make an appointment (or your partner tells you to!). At this stage, you’ll likely hear those all-too-common words from your health professional: Oh James, why didn’t you come in to see us sooner? And with that, you start your recovery – often a much longer recovery than it would have been if you’d had that check in the first place.
If you’ve been reading about us on our website or following us on social media, you’ll know that we always try not to just say that we care about you and want the best outcomes for you, but we live it, too. In the wise words of Benjamin Franklin:
Words may show a man’s wit, but actions his meaning.
This is why we are now offering 15-minute foot health checks free of charge for people that have a concern but aren’t sure if it’s something that is serious and needs treatment, or if it really is nothing more than that cat scratch at the bottom of your foot that’s just struggling to heal because of your excessive foot sweating at work.
A fibroma
A fibroma is a bundle of fibrous tissue that presents as a firm mass that protrudes from the skin. Due to its unusual and unknown appearance, it often causes some concern. Some fibromas are painless, while others may cause pain if they irritate the surrounding tissues or direct pressure is applied to them while walking. Fibromas are often not larger than 2.5cm in size, and are often found in the arch at the bottom of the foot.
A neuroma
A neuroma describes the thickening of the tissue surrounding a nerve. It occurs between the long bones of the foot (metatarsals), causing pain and discomfort at the midfoot. Often, our patients describe it like a feeling that you’re walking on a pebble. While some may have a visible mass, others won’t, instead just being detected when squeezing the foot.
A non-healing wound
While many of us confidently presume that our body can heal any cut, scratch and open wound that we sustain, this isn’t always the case. Non-healing wounds may be a sign of an infection, poor circulation, unsuitable skin conditions (like excess moisture) or other problems.
Changing toenails
Is it a fungal nail infection? Is it something else? Seeing your toenails changing colour, thickness and shape can often be concerning – with little general knowledge about what is serious and what isn’t. When your nails change, you may feel less comfortable in your shoes and socks, as well as feel less confident wearing open-toed footwear.
A twinge, ache or pain
If you’ve been noticing a twinge, ache or pain appear when you move your foot a certain way – it’s normal to wonder if it needs treatment. While some aches may be a result of a big day on your feet the day prior, others may be a sign that an injury has started to develop – and may worsen if it’s left untreated.
Numbness, tingling, or pins and needles
These are neural symptoms that indicate that your nerve is being affected. It may be from swelling in your feet or legs that is putting pressure on a nerve, or it may be a decreased space between the bones that your nerves run through that is causing the compression.
Your bones feel more prominent, or protrude
You may notice your bones protruding more from your feet, or feel them being more prominent than they were previously. It could be a changing bony alignment within the foot that can occur with problems like posterior tibial dysfunction (flattening feet) and bunions, or it could be that the protective fat pads on the bottom of your feet are thinning. Or it could be something else!
While there are many changes that occur to the feet over the years, one thing for certain: there is a reason for every pain and change you experience. No pain occurs for no reason, so if you’re concerned, we’d be happy to help put your mind at ease.
You must book your appointment online to grab a spot for a free 15-minute foot health check. This appointment is to help you understand whether the symptoms you’re experiencing are concerning, or to help put your mind at ease. This does not replace a comprehensive assessment where we diagnose your problem, complete functional testing or diagnose your problem.
To book online, click here or call us on 1300 FX-FEET